VI.7 Function BL
The input to Function BL is a BBL identifying a tax lot. Like Function 1A , Function BL can be called with the long WA2 option. As with COW Function 1A, COW Function BL can be called requesting the Extended Work Area 2 (Mode Switch set to ‘X’).
The layouts of the regular, long and extended WA2s for Function BL are the same as the corresponding layouts for Function 1A, as described in Chapter VI.6. However, since the input information to Function BL identifies only a tax lot, whereas the input information to Function 1A identifies a specific building via its address, the contents of certain WA2 fields have a different significance for Function BL than for Function 1A. These fields are the BBL (in positions 29-38 for MSW and 34-44 for COW), the BIN (in positions 70-76 for MSW and 82-88 for COW), and the LGI (in positions 184-939 for MSW and 251-1363 for COW) of the regular WA2. All other WA2 fields have the same contents for both functions. For Function BL, the contents of the WA2 fields for the BBL, BIN and LGI are as follows:
If the input BBL identifies a single-building non-condominium tax lot: The output BBL field contains the input BBL. The BIN field contains the BIN of the tax lot’s only building. The LGI may contain all types of entries. As with Function 1A, the LGI may or may not be comprehensive with respect to the tax lot’s real address ranges and with respect to its BINs.
If the input BBL identifies a multi-building non-condominium tax lot: The output BBL field contains the input BBL. The BIN field contains the BIN of an arbitrary one of the tax lot’s buildings. The LGI may contain all types of entries. As with Function 1A, the LGI may or may not be comprehensive with respect to the tax lot’s real address ranges and with respect to its BINs.
If the input BBL identifies a vacant tax lot, i.e., a tax lot that has no buildings: The output BBL field contains the input BBL. The BIN field contains the Borough Code followed by all zeros. The LGI consists of all of the pseudo-address ranges (type Q entries) assigned to the tax lot, and all vacant street frontages (type F entries) of the tax lot.
If the input BBL identifies a condominium unit: The output BBL field contains the billing BBL of the condominium (except in cases where a billing BBL has not yet been assigned by DOF (or the billing BBL was not available when the Geosupport data files were generated), in which case the BBL returned contains zeros and a warning message is issued). If the condominium occupies portions of more than one tax block, the output BBL field contains the billing BBL of the portion of the condominium that is specific to the tax block containing the input condominium unit. The BIN field contains the BIN of the building that contains that unit. The LGI contains building-related entries (real address ranges, NAUBs (type B entries), NAPs (type G, N and X entries) and blank-wall building frontages (type W entries)) only for the building containing the input condominium unit, and is comprehensive for that building. The LGI can contain all non-building-related types of entries (vacant street frontages (type F entries) and pseudo-address ranges (type Q entries)).
If the input BBL is a billing BBL of a condominium: The output BBL field contains the input BBL. The BIN field contains the BIN of an arbitrary one of the condominium’s buildings on the tax block identified by the input billing BBL. The LGI may contain all types of entries. As with Function 1A, the LGI may or may not be comprehensive with respect to the tax lot’s real address ranges and with respect to its BINs.