VII.8 Fuzzy Name Search Processing for Functions 3, 3C, and 3S – Front-truncated street names
Under certain conditions, Functions 3, 3C, and 3S will return data when front-truncated street names are given as input; e.g. when 14 STREET in Manhattan is given as input instead of EAST 14 STREET or WEST 14 STREET.
When a user supplies a street that is a front-truncated street name, Geosupport will process that front-truncated street name if the front-truncated street name supplied may only refer to a single street name. For example, if a user supplies ‘7 STREET’ in Manhattan as an input street, Geosupport knows that the only possibility is ‘EAST 7 STREET’ in Manhattan since there is no ‘WEST 7 STREET’.
When a user supplies a street name that is a front-truncated street name such as 57 STREET where there are two viable street names, such as EAST 57 STREET and WEST 57 STREET in Manhattan, then Geosupport will determine which of the two street names actually intersects with the other input street. (Geosupport invokes Function 2 under-the-covers to check the intersections.) Geosupport will accept the call if only one of the two street names actually intersects the other input street. As an example, if a user inputs ’57 STREET’ between ‘PARK AVENUE’ and ‘MADISON AVENUE’, Geosupport will provide data, because in Manhattan ‘EAST 57 STREET’ intersects ‘PARK AVENUE’ and ‘MADISON AVENUE’. As another example, if a user inputs ‘PARK AVENUE’ between 57 STREET and 58 STREET, Geosupport will accept the call, because in Manhattan EAST 57 STREET intersects ‘PARK AVENUE’ as does EAST 58 STREET.
A warning message with Reason Code J will be issued when Geosupport assumes a name that is different from the input street name.
There are situations where a front-truncated street name will not be accepted. As an example, a Function 3S call where a user inputs ‘57 STREET’ between ‘PARK AVENUE’ and ‘SEVENTH AVENUE’, Geosupport will not provide data, because, in Manhattan, ‘EAST 57 STREET’ intersects ‘PARK AVENUE’ and ‘WEST 57 STREET’ intersects ‘SEVENTH AVENUE’. ‘EAST 57 STREET’ and ‘WEST 57 STREET’ are not considered to be the same streets. As another example, a Function 3S call where a user inputs ‘57 STREET’ with no cross streets. Geosupport will not provide data, because it has no cross street to help determine whether the user wants East 57 Street or West 57 Street. When no data is returned, Geosupport will return the Geosupport Return Code (GRC) of ‘EE’ for ‘57 STREET’ and provide a list of similar names which will include both ‘EAST 57 STREET’ and ‘WEST 57 STREET’.
The fuzzy search involving Functions 3, 3C and 3S is similar to the fuzzy search for Function 2 Intersection Processing, which is described in a sub-section of VII.2.